Workshop Time #1 (Monday 2:30pm)
Spiritual Counsel in the Confessional -- Pastor David Petersen
Stewardship Under the Cross -- Pastor Heath Curtis
Teaching the Fear of God in the Congregation -- Pastor Stephen Preus
Workshop Time #2 (Monday 4:00pm)
Learning the New Obedience through Suffering -- Pastor Andrew Preus
How to Be Cheap: Save Money on Tech -- Pastor Benjamin Holt
How Do I Establish An All Male Acolyte Corps? -- Pastor Jason Braaten
Moving from Close to Closed Communion -- Pastor Travis Loeslie
Workshop Time #3 (Tuesday 11:00am)
Beautifying the Building -- Pastor James Roemke
Getting Better at Bible Study -- Pastor Peter Bender
Hymns at Home -- Pastor Mark Preus
Learning How to Chant/Improving Your Chanting -- Pastor Sean Willman
Workshop Time #4 (Tuesday 1:30pm)
Promoting a Lutheran Identity in the School -- Pastor Jack Gilbert
Using Hymns in Pastoral Care -- Pastor Jacob Sutton
Poetry is Practical -- Pastor Travis Berg
What to Do at Your Sunday School Teachers Meeting-- Pastor Jason Braaten
Workshop Time #5 (Tuesday 2:30pm)
Outreach: Presentations for Your Surrounding Community -- Pastor Travis Berg
Shepherding College Students -- Pastor Michael Larson
Suggestions for Your LWML Chapter and Zone -- Pastor Joshua Conradt
Using Maps in Bible Study and the Classroom -- Pastor David Ramirez
Workshop Time #6 (Tuesday 4:00pm)
Getting Better at Bible Study -- Pastor Burnell Eckardt
How to Be a Small Town American Pastor – Pastor Heath Curtis
Hymns in the Congregation -- Pastor Mark Preus
Confirmation Instruction: How to Use My Materials -- Pastor Peter Bender
Workshop Time #7 (Wednesday 9:15am)
Getting Better at Bible Study -- Pastor David Petersen
Shut-In Calls -- Pastor Ralph Tausz
Teaching the Kernlieder in the Congregation -- Pastor Jacob Sutton
Workshop Time #8 (Wednesday 10:30am)
Hospital Visitation -- Pastor Ralph Tausz
Preaching without a Net -- Pastor Burnell Eckardt
Riding Herd: An Approach to Delinquents -- Pastor Scott Adle