Pastor James Roemke, Messiah Lutheran Church, Kenosha, WI, will be leading a workshop entitled Restoring Sacred Art in Our Churches. Below is a description of the workshop.
Our churches have been plagued by the sterile white-washed walls of generic, American Protestantism or infected with meaningless, theologically vacuousness at best, and outright heretical at worst, "sacred art" for far too long! I will discuss my own church's transformation from both through a thoughtful, catechetical, and shrewd approach. Where to begin? How to garner widespread congregational interest and support? How to bring in on-going, catechetical, faithful Lutheran Word and Sacrament themed truly sacred art to our parishes? I will share what worked for me and my parish and the blessings this transformation has bestowed.
To see a complete list of the workshops and learn more about the Bugenhagen Conference visit our website: You can register for the conference here.